About Hiroko K. Antalick
Having visited and lived in various places in the world, Hiroko K. Antalick currently resides in Beverly Hills and creates "Hado Crystal Jewelry" using the finest natural healing crystals with high vibrational energy. She is also a writer and energy healer, and is involved in various charity activities for world peace. Her spiritual journey started in 2004 through a series of synchronicities and through meeting world renowned spiritual teachers and healers from all around the world , she has mastered energy healing with an evolutional and progressive wavelength for the new generation.

* Reconnective Healing / Reconnection Certified Practitioner
* Hado Crystal Jewelry Designer
* Maser Degree completion for Crystalogy
Based on the integration of spirituality & science as well as the Universal Law, she started practicing healing arts and has become a representative of Cosmic Light. She is also an author of “Monaco Inside Story,” which she wrote based on her own experiences and insight about the true story of Monaco and European high society with exquisite, comical yet elegant style.

• At Voltex in Sedona, Arizona

At the Southern California Coast

At Mt.Shasta in Northern California

At Mt. Adams in Washington